Our caravan is a 2011 Cell viewfinder, 27 foot, We bought it second hand in 2018. From the start we had a plan to live full time in a caravan, We have previously adventured around Australia in a 2008 Transit van for 4 and half months and fell in love with the lifestyle of life on the road. So we made the big decision and bought this caravan after looking at caravans for 2 years, When we saw this caravan we fell in love but thought it would blow our budget. We were lucky we got it for an amazing price and were very happy. We bought it for $35,000. We knew that this caravan had so much potential to turn it into our full time home. We renovated the caravan on and off for 2 years in Naomi's parents driveway. After a whole lot of time and effort we finally got out of the driveway in July 2020 for a mini test drive. When we got back we set a date when we will do leave our big lap around Australia.

The theme of our caravan is modern with a grey colour scheme. In the bedroom we decided too use white on the cupboards to brighten the room up when the lights are on, whilst everywhere else we went with a color scheme of 2 tones of grey as when we used one grey it clashed and didn't look right. We really like the colors we have used in the caravan as it brightens the caravan up and makes it feel inviting and light.

The storage in the van is awesome, we have all our belongings in here and we don't seem to struggle to fit our things. Also Stefan has made extra storage spaces if there was a space that was doing nothing he would make it storage. For example there was a space next to our front door so we decided to make it our bin cupboard which is awesome and doesn't leave a smell in our caravan. He has also added a storage cupboard above our fridge, a draw under our fridge, we have a draw under our bed which makes it easier to access everything under our bed. It is amazing what you can fit in the caravan once everything has its own place.

Storage above the fridge

Our renovated kitchen Our Bin cupboard
In our kitchen besides painting the cupboards and adding extra storage we also decided to put in a full sized fan forced oven and grill with a gas stove top.

Old grill

Upgraded oven
Kitchen in the process
We have also replaced our shower from a bathtub to a full size shower with a massive shower head and a wall nook to put our shampoo and conditions in.

In our bathroom we replaced the sink with a black sink and with our tapware in the shower too we choose a rose gold/ brass tapware. We also put in a new wooden countertop and a washing machine underneath the sink. Although we don't use the washing machine here it is a great place for it too live and not get in the way. It is awesome having our own washing machine it means we can save money on the road and do the washing whenever we have access to water.

We decided to take our aircon unit out as it didn't work anyway and we are yet to see how we will survive in 40 degree heat but soo far our 12 volt fans have been good and keep us cool. We also have the option to circulate the air through our fans if we have one of our caravan fans on in and the other fan on out and the bedroom fan out.

We changed our flooring to a nice oak laminate floor in the kitchen and bathroom and in the bedroom we went we black plush carpet these choices lightened the caravan up and the carpet made it feel more homely plus its very nice on the feet. We also reupholstered all the curtain trims to a grey material to fit with the rest of the caravan

We have a 3 way 186 liter fridge, which is a good size for the 2 of us and we can fit plenty of food to last us 1 week maybe 2 weeks.
Other specs of this van is we have 1 fresh water tank, 2 grey water tank and a black water tank. We have are 500ah lithium batteries paired with 1200 watts of solar on the roof and a integrated 3000 watt inverted to give 240 volt power caravan wide. We can comfortably live on the road and have not had to use a power point once in the last 3 months on the road. we comfortable charge up all our equipment and still have plenty of power to watch movies at night. Our caravan weighs 3.3 tonne and before we hit the road we have got a new sub frame, new axles and got the limit of our Van up so we are completely legal on the road.

We absolutely love our caravan and wouldn't change anything else about it, We have turned it from a old granny flat which was dated and dull to a modern home. It is very comfortable to live in full time. If you have any questions about our caravan feel free to send us a message on Instagram.
Also If you are interested we have made a before and after video on our caravan and you can watch the video Here.